Resolving a chess knight shortest path problem with BFS (Breadth-first search) algorithm in Swift.
The dependency manager for Objective-C – CocoaPods
Ruby has RubyGems, Objective-C has CocoaPods – open source libraries dependency manager project. Installation is simple: Continue reading
Overriding methods in Objective-C
There are few ways to override methods in Objectiv-C. First lets define what overriding method means. Method overriding is a language feature in which a class can provide an implementation of a method that is already provided by one of its parent classes. Continue reading
Reverse string using recursion in Objective-C
In order to refresh my memory and relax a bit, I’ll write few blog posts about programming fundamentals. First is the famous question on job interview – understanding recursion. Continue reading
UIWebView without the background shadows
If you ever asked yourself how to display full transparent UIWebView instance without the background shadows (ones that appear when scrolling UIWebView instance up and down) here is the solution. Continue reading
How to get localized language name from language code?
Did you ever needed full localized language name for language code? Today I was that same situation so I made small investigation. So, from the server side I am getting list of entities that have language string. Continue reading
Arrow keys callback in Cocoa
I bet sometimes you needed keyboard’s arrow (directions) key’s callback in your app. At least that was scenario I faced just few days ago… Continue reading